Subject site column A column B column C Columnd
E001 1 Hyperthyroidsm Astma
E001 1 Astma cold
E001 1 cold cough
E001 1 cough
Hi can anyone let us know which formula will give me whether the value in
column A is present in Col B or Col C or Col D for a single subject. Like
many subjects will with with site will be present.
For example subject E001 at site 1 in Col A if Hypothyroidism is present and
exits in Col C, so COL E value will be ok else need to be as check in column D
E001 1 Hyperthyroidsm Astma
E001 1 Astma cold
E001 1 cold cough
E001 1 cough
Hi can anyone let us know which formula will give me whether the value in
column A is present in Col B or Col C or Col D for a single subject. Like
many subjects will with with site will be present.
For example subject E001 at site 1 in Col A if Hypothyroidism is present and
exits in Col C, so COL E value will be ok else need to be as check in column D