Compare Records



I know the answer to this is probably no you can't do that, but I'll ask
anyway. I have a table with fields that represent the specifics of a
students classes. LocalID, Name, Teacher, Course, Period, Department and

Some students are taking 2 Science Classes. Biology and Chemistry. When I
pull the students schedule I only want the more advanced of the classes to
show (Chemistry in this case). That is why I created the Level field. The
level has a number that represents the year in which the student takes the
course. 1 for Freshman - 4 for Senior.

So when I run the query, it lists all the classes in my schedule. I filter
so that only the science classes show. Now, how do I set a query to only
take the class that is the higher level?

I'll probably have to give more information, but I would be glad to help.


Hi Ripper

In design you could click the Totals button and group by all of the other
fields except for the Level field. For the level field select Max.

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