COMPARE Syntax error debugging assistance - Word 2002



I've had no problems creating and using simple { IF Expression1 Operator
Expression2 TrueText FalseText } merge codes but now I've plowed into a

This time, I want to test TWO conditions. Here's a diagram of what I'm
trying to do. I acknowledge it's not rocket science but I can't get it to
lift off the pad.

"{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15}" = "FALSE"
{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} <> {MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7}


"[... text passage #1]"


"[... text passage #2]"

I understand from the Help Screens that the way to do this is via the
COMPARE code. Well, it isn't working for me. It's probably a matter of not
putting "quotes" in the right place or otherwise not holding my mouth just
right when I type in the code, but after over two hours of beating on it, I
thought someone out here could give me a few pointers.

Here's what I've got (that doesn't work):

{IF {=AND ({COMPARE "{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15}" = "FALSE"},
{COMPARE{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} <> {MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} } ) }
= 1 "... text passage #1" "... text passage #2"}

I've followed the style in Word's Help Screen for the COMPARE code --
precisely I think. But I still get an "Error - Missing Test Condition."
I'm sure the error of my ways will be immediately obvious to one of you.
Can you help?

NOTE: {MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15} is a "string variable" while
{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} and MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} are both



Peter Jamieson

(Just noting that your second condition comapres something with itself)

YOu can use a nested IF. There's a limit to the number of levels and you
have to duplicate results. But e.g.

{ IF "{ MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15 }" = "FALSE"
"{ IF { MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7 } <> { MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7 }
"[... text passage #1]"
"[... text passage #2]" }" "[... text passage #2]" }

COMPARE returns 1 for a successful comparison, 0 otherwise. So you can AND
the results of two COMPAREs in an { = } field and test the result of that,

{ IF { =and({ COMPARE "{ MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15 }" = "FALSE" },
FileCustomField7 } }) } = 1
"[... text passage #1]"
"[... text passage #2]" }

You should be able to do more complicated and/or logic by nesting further
and(,) and or(,) functions.

Just make sure all the {} are the special field braces you can insert using


Ahhh. So THAT'S how you nest IF statements in this language! Once again,
Peter, your star burns ever brighter in the firmament!

Many, many thanks!!


PS > (Just noting that your second condition compares something with
itself) <
Uh, yeah... That's what happens when I try to type these commands in as
text. I got a little carried away with Word's Copy/Paste function. You're
quite right. A statement that "X <> X" might work in a Court of Law, but
not in any computer I've seen. So sorry for the confusion.

Peter Jamieson said:
(Just noting that your second condition comapres something with itself)

YOu can use a nested IF. There's a limit to the number of levels and you
have to duplicate results. But e.g.

{ IF "{ MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15 }" = "FALSE"
"{ IF { MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7 } <> { MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7 }
"[... text passage #1]"
"[... text passage #2]" }" "[... text passage #2]" }

COMPARE returns 1 for a successful comparison, 0 otherwise. So you can AND
the results of two COMPAREs in an { = } field and test the result of that,

{ IF { =and({ COMPARE "{ MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15 }" = "FALSE" },
FileCustomField7 } }) } = 1
"[... text passage #1]"
"[... text passage #2]" }

You should be able to do more complicated and/or logic by nesting further
and(,) and or(,) functions.

Just make sure all the {} are the special field braces you can insert using

Peter Jamieson - Word MVP
Word MVP web site

rtrsr said:
I've had no problems creating and using simple { IF Expression1 Operator
Expression2 TrueText FalseText } merge codes but now I've plowed into a

This time, I want to test TWO conditions. Here's a diagram of what I'm
trying to do. I acknowledge it's not rocket science but I can't get it to
lift off the pad.

"{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15}" = "FALSE"
{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} <> {MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7}


"[... text passage #1]"


"[... text passage #2]"

I understand from the Help Screens that the way to do this is via the
COMPARE code. Well, it isn't working for me. It's probably a matter of not
putting "quotes" in the right place or otherwise not holding my mouth just
right when I type in the code, but after over two hours of beating on
thought someone out here could give me a few pointers.

Here's what I've got (that doesn't work):

{IF {=AND ({COMPARE "{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15}" = "FALSE"},
{COMPARE{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} <> {MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} } ) }
= 1 "... text passage #1" "... text passage #2"}

I've followed the style in Word's Help Screen for the COMPARE code --
precisely I think. But I still get an "Error - Missing Test Condition."
I'm sure the error of my ways will be immediately obvious to one of you.
Can you help?

NOTE: {MERGEFIELD FileCustomField15} is a "string variable" while
{MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} and MERGEFIELD FileCustomField7} are both



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