Compare Two Sheets Generates Runtime Error 13



For several weeks the macro below worked fine:
Sub Compare2Shts()
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Primary").UsedRange
If Cell.Value <> Worksheets("Secondary").Range(Cell.Address) Then
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If

For Each Cell In Worksheets("Secondary").UsedRange
If Cell.Value <> Worksheets("Primary").Range(Cell.Address) Then
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
End Sub

It would compare values in two sheets, and highlight any differences in red.
Today, all of a sudden, it just started erroring out at this line:
If Cell.Value <> Worksheets("Secondary").Range(Cell.Address) Then

I get a message saying “Run-time error 13â€. This is quite bizarre because,
as far as I can tell, nothing changed in the data set. Does anyone have any
suggestions as to what may cause this?

Kind Regards,

Jim Cone

You possibly have an error value in one of the cells being compared.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA
(Excel Add-ins / Excel Programming)

wrote in message
For several weeks the macro below worked fine:
Sub Compare2Shts()
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Primary").UsedRange
If Cell.Value <> Worksheets("Secondary").Range(Cell.Address) Then
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If

For Each Cell In Worksheets("Secondary").UsedRange
If Cell.Value <> Worksheets("Primary").Range(Cell.Address) Then
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
End Sub

It would compare values in two sheets, and highlight any differences in red.
Today, all of a sudden, it just started erroring out at this line:
If Cell.Value <> Worksheets("Secondary").Range(Cell.Address) Then
I get a message saying “Run-time error 13â€. This is quite bizarre because,
as far as I can tell, nothing changed in the data set. Does anyone have any
suggestions as to what may cause this?

Kind Regards,


Something in one of the far right-hand columns caused it to fail. Whatever
it is, it is very weird! I just changed the compare range; now the macros is
like this:
Sub Compare2Shts()
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Primary").Range("A1000:Z2500")
If Cell.Value <> Worksheets("Secondary").Range(Cell.Address) Then
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If

I have no idea what it was...just one of those formatting-things I guess.
Maybe error value accidentally got into the UsedRange or something...who
knows. I learned a long time ago, just because you can't see some kind of
data (i.e. a space) doesn't mean that some kind of data is not there.

Thanks for the look Jim!!

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