Compare Value of a Bookmark



I am creating some templates. Normally I would use a
FILLIN Field to get information from the user however I
want to excecute certain lines of code based on the
answer. So I am using ASK and storing the info in a
bookmark. However I don't know how to compare the value
of a bookmark in an If statement.

Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Text:= _ "ASK someBookmark ""Prompt:"" ",

If someBookmark = "TEST" Then (This does not work)
End if

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Hi Tom,

Use a { REF } field to get the text of the bookmark.

However, I think you would really be better off to use a userform. See the
article "How to create a Userform" at:

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thanks for the help. The { REF } works in the word file
but not in the macro. I tried if { REF bookmarkName} =
but it didn't like the "{". I also tried it without the
brackets then it expected a "then" instead of

However the Userform works great. I had ruled that out
in my head awhile ago without even trying it. But it
does work fine I don't know what I was thinking.

Thanks again,


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