Compare values in one column against another and display differenc



How can I compare a master part numbers list in one Excel column or worksheet
against actual values in a second Excel column or worksheet, and display the
missing part numbers that were not in the second column in a new column or

For Example
Part Number Master Part List Missing Parts
12A221315 12A221315 12A221332
12A221316 12A221316 12A221333
12A221317 12A221317
12A221318 12A221318
12A221319 12A221319
12A221320 12A221320
12A221321 12A221321
12A221322 12A221322
12A221323 12A221323
12A221324 12A221324
12A221325 12A221325
12A221326 12A221326
12A221327 12A221327
12A221328 12A221328
12A221329 12A221329
12A221330 12A221330
12A221331 12A221331
12A221316 12A221332
12A221315 12A221333


One non-array approach, "inefficient" but imo, easily implemented <g>

Assuming the comparison is col B's items against col A's (Master), with data
in row2 down

Put in C2:

Put in D2:

Select B2:C2 and copy down as many rows as there is data in col B

Col C will list the items in col B not found in col A


cpetta said:
Max Thank you! Where do I insert this non-array approach code in my worksheet?

Part Number Master Part List Missing Parts
12A221315 12A221315 12A221332
12A221316 12A221316 12A221333
12A221317 12A221317
12A221318 12A221318
12A221319 12A221319

Hi, I had assumed that your "Part Number Master" is in col A, "Part List"
in col B, with data from row2 down

With your label "Missing Parts" in C1,
just put (i.e. copy and paste) the suggested formulas into C2 and D2 as
mentioned, then select C2:D2, and copy down until the last item in col B

You'll get the results, viz. the missing parts listed in col C, in C2 down

Try it again ..


It worked. Thanks Max.

Part Number Master Part List
12A221315 12A221315 12A221332
12A221316 12A221316 12A221333
12A221317 12A221317
12A221318 12A221318
12A221319 12A221319
12A221320 12A221320
12A221321 12A221321
12A221322 12A221322
12A221323 12A221323
12A221324 12A221324
12A221325 12A221325
12A221326 12A221326
12A221327 12A221327
12A221328 12A221328
12A221329 12A221329
12A221330 12A221330
12A221331 12A221331
12A221316 12A221332
12A221315 12A221333

If I have a question again, how can I reach you?


cpetta said:
It worked. Thanks Max.

Glad to hear that !
If I have a question again, how can I reach you?

Just post your Qs* in the excel newsgroups. And I'm sure your posts,
(clearly described with sufficient detail, of course <g>) will receive good
and fast responses from the *many* experienced, helpful folks who linger
around these excel newsgroups. Monitor your posts and provide feedback to
all who respond to your posts. Cheers

*But do not multi-post, post a particular Q *only* in one newsgroup

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