Comparing 2 excel files



Hi, I am a newbie here in the group.
I must compare a lot of similar excel files, but the normal sw of
comparing don't help me.
It's because there's a lot of line addings in the "second" file of the

I wanna to know if there's some sw that do this, with "intelligence"
as the "WinMerge" do in the normal text file.

Previously thanks to all

Jim Cone

Excel 2003 has a Compare Side by Side feature that allows
you to make a visual comparison between two sheets.
The menu item is on the Windows menu.

The commercial Excel add-in "XL Companion" from yours truly
can make a "row" comparison between two sheets and
provide a listing of mismatched (uncommon) rows.

It can also compare (cell by cell) two selections or two entire worksheets.
Providing a listing of common and uncommon items between two single
column lists is another feature.
It will also find and list the rows, on a single sheet, that contain specified items.
And there is more.
A free trial is available from...
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"AB@" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
Hi, I am a newbie here in the group.
I must compare a lot of similar excel files, but the normal sw of
comparing don't help me.
It's because there's a lot of line addings in the "second" file of the

I wanna to know if there's some sw that do this, with "intelligence"
as the "WinMerge" do in the normal text file.

Previously thanks to all


You can check my CompareIt from it can
convert xls to text internally.

Igor Green
Compare It! + Synchronize It! - files and folders comparison never was

Thanks, it's good and it's more powerful than some others programs I
have tried, but it's not the best for my needs, because I have some
records that have only a field that's different, and so it says me
that all the row is different, and i must go see the differences...

Thanks anyway

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