Presume your line: > .. C4:C5431
should actually read: > .. C4:C7379
One way to set up the comparisons
In Sheet1,
Put in F4, array-enter*
Copy down as far as required. Col F returns TRUE, FALSE or blank: "",
depending on whether the addresses in cols D & E are found in Sheet2's cols C
& D or otherwise. You could then easily apply autofilter on col F to retrieve
as desired, or apply CF pointing to col F.
*To array-enter means to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to confirm the formula
Repeat likewise for the converse checks in Sheet2 ..
In Sheet2,
Put in say, E4, array-enter
Copy down as far as required. Col E returns TRUE, FALSE or blank: "",
depending on whether the addresses in cols C & D are found in Sheet1's cols D
& E or otherwise. You could then easily apply autofilter on col E to retrieve
as desired, or apply CF pointing to col E
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