Since I am really new to excel VBA programming I think I have a simple
question. I have a dataset with quaterly announcement dates. I would
like to compare the different dates. So it looks like this.
company1 company2 company3
q1 2000 (date)
q2 2000 (date)
q3 2000 (date)
q4 2000 (date)
q1 2001 (date)
q2 2001 (date)
q3 2001 (date)
q4 2001 (date)
I want to compare the dates from company 1 q1 2000 with company1 q1
2001 and company 2 q1 2000 with company 2 q1 2002etc. I have
horizontally about 60 companies and the data runs from 1992 until 2006
I want to write a macro that compares the differences between every
quarter and then gives this output in a new sheet.
Can someone help me with a macro? It would be very useful to me.
Thanx a lot anyway,
Since I am really new to excel VBA programming I think I have a simple
question. I have a dataset with quaterly announcement dates. I would
like to compare the different dates. So it looks like this.
company1 company2 company3
q1 2000 (date)
q2 2000 (date)
q3 2000 (date)
q4 2000 (date)
q1 2001 (date)
q2 2001 (date)
q3 2001 (date)
q4 2001 (date)
I want to compare the dates from company 1 q1 2000 with company1 q1
2001 and company 2 q1 2000 with company 2 q1 2002etc. I have
horizontally about 60 companies and the data runs from 1992 until 2006
I want to write a macro that compares the differences between every
quarter and then gives this output in a new sheet.
Can someone help me with a macro? It would be very useful to me.
Thanx a lot anyway,