comparing field with mixed case


K Essmiller

We have a db of medical providers. There is a provider ID that would be for
say a hospital and a location code that would be for the individual doctors
within the hospital. Our software program stores the location field in mixed
case, so I can have provider 12345 with locations 'aim', 'aiM', 'aIm', 'aIM',
etc and they all look the same to Access. I need to tie several tables
together using these two fields but I get duplicates due to the location
code. I tried the asc function, but that only looks at 1 position. Is there a
way to do this without having to use 3 asc comparisons?

Phil Smith

so I can have provider 12345 with locations 'aim', 'aiM', 'aIm', 'aIM',

So those are four distinct values? Either write a function which would
compare all three, or a quick and dirty way:


Will give you a single long number unique to any location string.
Compare that to


and you have your match.


John Spencer

Take a look at using the VBA StrComp function or the Instr function with
Binary compare argument.

WHERE StrComp([location],"aim",0) = 0


WHERE Instr(1,[location],"aim",0) > 0

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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