comparing identical rows in different sheets


Brian Madsen

I've been working on this for a week and am ready to pull my hair out. I'm
praying you guys can help me, I'm relatively new at VBA and have relied
heavily on your posts for some of the more complex stuff. Here's my dilemma,
any help would be greatly appreciated!

I need to compare entire rows on worksheet A against entire rows on
worksheet B and list the non match on sheet C. (The bold is just for
highlighting, it's not needed in the program)

Worksheet A
Worksheet B Worksheet C

1 A Alfa 1.0001 1 A Alfa 1.0021 1 A Alfa 1.0001
2 B Bravo 2.0001 2 B Bravo 2.0001 99 booboo RALPH 99.0001
3 C Charlie 3.0001 3 C Charlie 3.0001 1 A Alfa 1.0021
4 D Delta 4.0001 4 D Delta 4.0001 55 OHNO BOB 55.0001
5 E Echo 5.0001 5 E Echo 5.0001
6 F Foxtrot 6.0001 6 F Foxtrot 6.0001
7 G Golf 7.0001 7 G Golf 7.0001
8 H Hotel 8.0001 8 H Hotel 8.0001
9 I India 9.0001 9 I India 9.0001
10 J Juliet 10.0001 10 J Juliet 10.0001
11 K Kilo 11.0001 55 OHNO BOB 55.0001
12 L Lima 12.0001 11 K Kilo 11.0001
13 M Mike 13.0001 12 L Lima 12.0001
14 N November 14.0001 13 M Mike 13.0001
15 O Oscar 15.0001 14 N November 14.0001
16 P Papa 16.0001 15 O Oscar 15.0001
17 Q Quebec 17.0001 16 P Papa 16.0001
18 R Romeo 18.0001 17 Q Quebec 17.0001
19 S Sierra 19.0001 18 R Romeo 18.0001
20 T Tango 20.0001 19 S Sierra 19.0001
21 U Uniform 21.0001 20 T Tango 20.0001
22 V Victor 22.0001 21 U Uniform 21.0001
23 W Whiskey 23.0001 22 V Victor 22.0001
24 X XRay 24.0001 23 W Whiskey 23.0001
25 Y Yankee 25.0001 24 X XRay 24.0001
26 Z Zulu 26.0001 25 Y Yankee 25.0001
99 booboo RALPH 99.0001 26 Z Zulu 26.0001

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