Comparing ranges problem



XP/ XP Office

I have a list of words in a word doc file. One word on each line. I
have sorted the list. Many words are duplicated. I'm trying to
delete all duplicate words.

I've tried FIND(*^13)\1 REPLACE WITH \1, but it still leaves many
dups. It also takes over 4 minutes with 2700 words. I figured I
could iterate through the list once to remove dups.

So I wrote this code...

'Remove any dup lines
Dim Word1, Word2 As Range

Set Word1 = Documents("WorkArea1.doc").Words(1)

NumOfWords% = Documents("WorkArea1.doc").Words.Count
For A% = 2 To NumOfWords
Set Word2 = Documents("WorkArea1.doc").Words(A)
If Word1 = Word2 Then '<<<< Problem here
Word1 = Documents("WorkArea1.doc").Words(A)
End If

But then it compares Word1 to Word2, either one or the other always is
empty. When I step through, and it steps past Set Word2, I hover the
cursor over each range, and they both contain words, but as soon as I
compare, one is always empty.

What am I doing wrong?

Peter Hewett


The following code should do what you want, it exepects each word on it's
own line and expects the list to be in a sorted order. When a duplicate
word is found it deletes the entire line containing the duplicate word. The
comparisons case insensitive:

Public Sub RemoveDuplicateWords()
Dim rngReplace As Word.Range
Dim rngFound As Word.Range
Dim strLastWord As String
Dim strThisWord As String

Set rngReplace = ActiveDocument.Content
With rngReplace.Find
.Text = "<*>"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchWildcards = True

' Find all occurrences in the document
Do While .Execute

Set rngFound = rngReplace.Duplicate
strThisWord = rngFound.Text

' Ignore the very first word found
If LenB(strLastWord) > 0 Then

' If current word is the sane as the last then delete it
If StrComp(strThisWord, strLastWord, _
vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

' Each word on its own line so delete entire line
Selection.Expand wdLine
End If
End If
strLastWord = strThisWord

' Setup range to continue the search after
' the text that we just found/deleted
rngReplace.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub

HTH + Cheers - Peter

(e-mail address removed) (David) wrote in


Another approach to this kind of problem is to copy the list to Excel, use
its functions (like unique filter) then paste the last back to Word. For
one-off tasks, it's usually quicker than writing VBA code.

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