Comparing table data and adding differential information


Adam-Network Admin

Aappend queries allow you to add entire records to a table from a source.
Delete queries allow you to delete entire records.
Update queries allow you to update information on one table from information
on another.

How would I compare two tables and add just the records to one exist on the
other without adding every other record again. For example A has 400 records
and B has 399. I want to compare both tables to find the missing record and
add it to B to make B 400 records, not 799 records. How is this accomplished?

Thank You

NuBie via

this query should work. customize your table/fiels names as appropriate.

SELECT a.keyfield from a where keyfield not in (select keyfield from b);

Jeff Boyce

If your TableB has a unique (i.e., no duplicates) row identifier, and if
TableA uses the same ID number, when Access tries to append records, it
refuses to append any record for which the ID already exists.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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