Portions of a document were typed by different people and e-mailed to
a certain attorney. The attorney copied all of the portions and created
one document. He then saved this document as 2.1. He then saved 2.1
as 2.2 and made revisions to 2.2. He then comparied 2.2 to 2.1, but it
only compared half of the document. He then split 2.2 into two pieces
and compared it to 2.1 whereupon it compared both pieces correctly.
We do not understand why it will not compare the full document.
a certain attorney. The attorney copied all of the portions and created
one document. He then saved this document as 2.1. He then saved 2.1
as 2.2 and made revisions to 2.2. He then comparied 2.2 to 2.1, but it
only compared half of the document. He then split 2.2 into two pieces
and compared it to 2.1 whereupon it compared both pieces correctly.
We do not understand why it will not compare the full document.