Compatibility issue with Windows fonts?


Denis Marchand


Sometimes, when I receive an email (from Windows users) the accents are
misinterpreted by Entourage.
See below: all accented characters, or apostrophes (Œ), are replaced by ³?²
Any idea about the cause?
I run the latest versions of Leopard and Office 2008.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Denis Marchand said:
Sometimes, when I receive an email (from Windows users) the accents are
misinterpreted by Entourage.
See below: all accented characters, or apostrophes ('), are replaced by "?"
Any idea about the cause?
I run the latest versions of Leopard and Office 2008.

That's usually an encoding issue.
I *suspect* that the application used to send messages sends messed-up
encoding information in the headers of the messages.
There isn't much you can do beside asking them to update their



thank you.
just to make sure I understand, what you are saying is that the cause of this problem is on the Windows side and these users must update their applications (Outlook ?). could it also have something to do with their version of Occice?

Mickey Stevens

You can help to avoid this problem by not sending any non-standard quotation
marks in messages. Go to Tools -> AutoCorrect, click the "AutoFormat" tab,
and under "Replace as you type", uncheck "Straight quotes with smart
quotes", and click OK.

Ed Kimball

You can help to avoid this problem by not sending any non-standard quotation
marks in messages. Go to Tools -> AutoCorrect, click the "AutoFormat" tab,
and under "Replace as you type", uncheck "Straight quotes with smart
quotes", and click OK.

That deals with sending messages to other users, not with receiving them.
Furthermore, that will handle the problems with quotes and apostrophes, but
not with the accented French letters, such as é.

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