Compatibility problem with Project 2003


Paola (ORCL)


I work in Oracle, and I use the MS Project, but I have a compatibility
problem with MS Project 2003. I have a macro to generate the MS
Project Plan. This macro have three sources of the information. This
sources are three files ".CSV" with the tasks, resources and
assignment information, and I have three mapping for each of them.
The follow piece of code show you how the data is imported:


FileOpen Name:= Path & Tasks, _
ReadOnly:=False, _

FileOpen Name:= Path + Resources, _
ReadOnly:=False, _

FileOpen Name:= Path + Assignments, _
ReadOnly:=False, _

The import orden is very important, and this can't be changed. I made
differents test and I found that the problem appear when the last
import(Assignment) is executed.

I think that the map of "All_Assignments" not mapping correctly,
because when I edit this and I did't do any change in the
mapping, and then in the "Import Wizard - Map Options" I picked the
button "Finish", all the value tasks in the "work" column look like
fine minus only one of them, so I edit the Map again and when I
reached the "Map Options" in the "Import Wizard" and I picked
"Finish" button, before that all the value tasks look like fine.

This macro works fine in the MS Project 98 and Ms Project 2000.

Thanks in advance.

Rod Gill


Try exporting a csv file of assignments only and compare it to the one you
are importing. There may be differences with 2003.

Paola (ORCL)


The csv files aren't any changes and I have used the same files in MS
Project 2000 and 2003. I think that the problem is in the "data import". In
this moment the assigment mapping is not respected. Following, I list of the
steps that I perform:

1.- I open my project and I generate the plan. This plan have incorrect
values in the "work" column for all the "tasks" values.

2.- With this generated plan, I try to edit the assigment map. Go to "File"
- > "Open", selected assigment.csv. Then, in the "Import Wizard" select
"Next", then select "Use existing map" pick "Next". After that, in the
"Import Wizard - Map Selection" select the map that I have created and I have
used with other MS Project versions, then pick "Finish".

3.- Then I see that in the plan the value in the "work" column are right all
of them minus one. For this incorrect value, I perform the step number 2
again. When I finish this step (number 2) I see that the all value in the
"work" column are rigth.

I think that when I generate the plan the assigment map is not respected.


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