Compatibility Question



This is my first go using infopath in an attempt to convice my
employer to purchase a (sharepoint) server to make life easier.

I am trying to send a fairly lengthy survey out to about 800 users
spread across different networks. I do not have a sharepoint server
or the ability to post to a server and the participants will have
either some form of infopath (2007 or 2003) or nothing at all. I am
trying to figure out if infopath will meet my needs and be able to
save me some time.

Are there compatibiliy / functionality issues I need to worry about?
If so, what are they?

What is the best method of dissemination (all users will have outlook
of some version)?

Is there a way to save infopath as a webform that will open up in
browser and allow data verification for those unfortunate souls
lacking infopath- I am unable to allow outside devices access?

Any suggestions or help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.



You can make your form browser enabled if it has to be opened in a system
without infopath in it, but it has to be published to sharepoint running
infopath form services.



You can make your form browser enabled if it has to be opened in a system
without infopath in it, but it has to be published to sharepoint running
infopath form services.
Thank you, but I was looking more for a workaround as I mentioned that
I don't have a sharepoint server. It was unclear to me if the ability
to view a form in a browser was separate from form services.
According to your reply, they are not.

So, my best method of dissemination would be outlook, but for those
unfortunate souls lacking infopath I would have no solution or

Also, Are there compatibiliy / functionality issues between 2007 and
2003 I need to worry about?
If so, what are they?

Anuma(GGK Tech)


If you want to work with browser enabled form, then compulsary you need to
publish that form to sharepoint2007.

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