Compatiblity of OneNote 2007 with Office 2003


Bill C

Help! I have office professional 2003 and have been trying to download and
buy OneNote 2003, but it only seems that I can only buy OneNote 2007. I
can't do it. I can download it but can't buy it and it doesn't seem to be

I have two questions: First, Is OneNote 2007 compatible with Office 2003?
Or if it is not where can I get OneNote 2003.

Why does Mocrosoft make it so hard to spend my money?

Ray Cosner

I have been using OneNote 2007 with Office Professional 2003 for 15 months -
got started with the beta-2 version. I generally have OneNote and Outlook
running all day. Never a problem.

A couple of times I wondered if OneNote was causing a problem that I was
seeing, but it always turned out to be something else.

Running XP SP1 on a dual-core laptop with 2 GB memory.

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