Compattibility of "mdac_typexe2.8" with older versions of Access?


John Phelan

Are newer versions of "mdac_typexe2.8" backward compatible
for older versions of Access:

One precuation that I always make in my split database
installations is to force my application to use the
runtime that I install regardless of the user already
having Access install.

However, What if they had an older version of Access on
their machine with a version of "mdac_typ.exe" appropriate
for that period of installing the older version of Access;
is the newer version "mdac_typexe2.8" backward compatible
for the older version of Access?



Your references determine which version of ADO is used
so if you are distributing a compiled app along with dependency files, you
may not have anything to worry about


I don't think so.
I am no expert on this, but as far as I know, no problem. Perhaps others
here may be able to shed more light on this.

First, are you using VBA?
if you are, look in Tools > References - tou will ding your particular ADO
and DAO libraries listed.
MDAC distributions, to the best of my knowledge, do not replace previous
You will see additional .tlb files that represent the various ADO versions
on your machine - 2.5, 2.6...2.8 etc.
If your applications were working earlier, they will continue to work.
You just will not be ablt to take advantage of the new functionality
available in the newer versiond.
(Which you don't care about now)

If you are not using ADO and/or VBA and are interested in the ODBC
connectivity, there is good news there as well. MDAC is backward compatible
and you should see no negative effect from installing the new version.


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