Compile error [Chr(13)]


Hennie Neuhoff

Hi Guys
My workbook was sent to a remote computer. The code on the remote
computer works fine untill there's a Chr(13) in the code [of which there
are many]. It display the following:
"Compile error can't find project library"

I can't explain this to the user as it's working fine on my side.
Could it be some setting on his computer ??
Any pointers would be appreciated
Ex. Of code:
If Range("SpinsOnAf").Value > 3 Then
MsgBox "Daar is nou reeds " & Val(Range("SpinsOnaf")) _
& " onafgehandelde Spuitinstruksies" & Chr(13) _
& "Dis onaanvaarbaar hoog, jy moet 'n plan maak" & Chr(13) _
& "Jou rekords raak uiters onakkuraat", vbCritical

Sounds like your user has a missing library, nothing to do with your code.

Get them to compile the project, then go to Tools > References and in the
list of checked libraries, see if any of them start with the text "MISSING".
If so, this is your problem. Hopefully it'll just be a library versioning
issue; If so, get them to:

1) uncheck the 'Missing' Library reference
2) close the references window
3) re-open the references window and search for the same library name that
was missing and check it
4) Recompile and run

If you didn't find any library starting with the text "MISSING", sometimes
just compiling the project won't show this up. Try running the code until you
see the error, then end the code and check the references again.

If again, no libraries appear to be missing, check that all the libraries
that are checked, actually exist on the location specified in the window when
you select each library.

Hope that helps!

Please rate this post if it proved useful.



Hallo Hennie,

What you can try is replace all


Peter T

That could be the reason but much more likely as already suggested, a
missing reference and/or due to the project having been compiled in a newer
version of Excel than that of the user. Functions from the VBA Strings and
DateTime libraries are particularly susceptible in this scenario.

First thing to do is check tools/references for anything marked as MISSING.
Even if that does not fix there are other things to do before repairing

Peter T

Bob Flanagan said:
Hennie, most likely the user has a problem with his installation of
Office. Depending on the verison the steps are slightly different. You can
find the steps to the cure at

Robert Flanagan
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel

Hennie Neuhoff said:
Hi Guys
My workbook was sent to a remote computer. The code on the remote
computer works fine untill there's a Chr(13) in the code [of which there
are many]. It display the following:
"Compile error can't find project library"

I can't explain this to the user as it's working fine on my side.
Could it be some setting on his computer ??
Any pointers would be appreciated
Ex. Of code:
If Range("SpinsOnAf").Value > 3 Then
MsgBox "Daar is nou reeds " & Val(Range("SpinsOnaf")) _
& " onafgehandelde Spuitinstruksies" & Chr(13) _
& "Dis onaanvaarbaar hoog, jy moet 'n plan maak" & Chr(13) _
& "Jou rekords raak uiters onakkuraat", vbCritical

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