compile error cites Error function for missing library



I have an Access mdb that I just copied to a customer pc. The
references on both machines are the same except for one: the
customer's pc does not have Outlook installed, only Outlook Express.
When I compile the code on the customer pc, I get a missing library
error message which points to Error$ function call in my error-
trapping code that I put in every procedure. Why is my call the Error$
being kicked out on compile when I have the same references (except
for the Outlook dll). Is the absence of the Outlook dll responsible
for this failure of the compile? I thought the Visual Basic for
Applications reference took care of that. thanks


It would be helpful to post the code so we can have a look.

Does your application use Outlook for anything? If so, post the code where
you reference it, Including the Dim statements for any Outlook objects.

Douglas J. Steele

You're correct that the VBA reference takes care of Error. However, the VBA
reference is the last one Access looks for, so if any other references are
broken, it typically impacts the VBA reference. (The reason for looking at
the VBA reference last is so that you can override existing functions by
replacing them with your own functions with the same names).

You might look into Late Binding to avoid your problem. Tony Toews has an
introduction to the topic at

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