Compile error "Else without if"




I had a userform that I can fill out and then save to a spreadsheet.
Then I can Look up the information and have it put back into a
spreadsheet. To make changes. Then it is necessary to save the
changes again.

If CheckMilo Then Cells(NextRow, 8) = "2"
Cells(NextRow, 8) = ""
End If

this is one of about 25-30 check boxes I need to be able to affect. I
get an error Compile error "else without if" could somebody tell me
how to right it so I don't get the error.

Mike H


Without seeing the rest of the code I have no idea if the code works but
this should make it compile

If CheckMilo Then
Cells(NextRow, 8) = "2"
Cells(NextRow, 8) = ""
End If



I gotta ask. How is that different from what I had? do you have to
have them on seperate lines like that so instead of 4 lines of code
that I had it needs to be 5?

Thanks for the answer. it worked I just need to know if that is

Dave Peterson

It's the difference between a single line if/then/else statement and a block
if/end/else statement.

If CheckMilo Then Cells(NextRow, 8) = 2 Else Cells(NextRow, 8) = ""

Would have worked ok. But for me, I find it miserable to read--just too easy to
miss something important.

I do my best to use the block if statement:

If CheckMilo Then
Cells(NextRow, 8) = "2"
Cells(NextRow, 8) = ""
end if

I think it's easier to read and update.

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