1. Malc asked: "Have you opened up the Word
template...from the Word's IDE tried to compile it? Have
you then seen what the error message is?"
I haven't tried to compile it. I thought that that
was a no-no. (I have a dim recollection that I once told
the IDE to compile a template, and that that screwed
something up.) I'll do some research to find out how to
do that, and what its implications are. I presume I'll
do as you suggested.
2. Malc said: "I would suggest that doing that would be
easier than asking us what the problem is when the first
thing we would suggest is to do just that."
I am sorry for being a nuisance. I really do try to
figure out what I can, so that I don't take advantage of
your generosity with your time. I have spend days trying
to figure this out, noodling around, and I did not know
where to look.
By the way, in answer to a question you posed in a
response to an email I posed a few weeks ago, I am a
lawyer . . . for the time being. I do a lot of public
interest work, to the chagrin of a corrupt judiciary, and
to the dismay of my family (who would prefer that I earn
a living instead). If you're interested, my website is
3. Malc said: "I bet that the problem will be a missing
Reference from the code (Tools | >References)..."
You're right that that's a problem, and I should have
realized that it might be related. Sorry for being such
a dummy. I'm missing the following libraries: Data
Object Wizard, DateAlarm 1.0 Type Library, and
DBNamespace 1.0 Type Library.
Yesterday, someone told me the following:
"If you're using VB6, it should contain Data
Object Wizard. You can find it in Add-Ins->Add-In
Manager. However there is a known issue regarding
the visibility of these Add-Ins:
Q190212 BUG: Add-Ins Only Visible to the User Who
Installs VB;EN-
I've never played with the registry before, but I'll
get someone here in L.A. to help me do what Q190212
suggests before I consider bothering you folks again.
Thank you for your help. It is much appreciated. I
hope the hospital stay wasn't for anything too serious
(although one never goes to the hospital to play golf or
Thanks again, Marc