Compile error in hidden module: frmMenuGnlAccess


Marc Hankin

I copied a template ( from my home
computer's Word/Startup directory to my office computer's
Word/Startup directory. When I run it at my office, I get
the following error message:
"Compile error in hidden module: frmMenuGnlAccess"
The form "frmMenuGnlAccess" is in that template.
I have the same logon info on both computers. Both
computers are running WinXp and Office 2002 for Students
and Teachers.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks again,

Malcolm Smith


Have you opened up the Word template (go to Explorer, right click it and
then select Open) and then from the Word's IDE tried to compile it?

Have you then seen what the error message is?

I would suggest that doing that would be easier than asking us what the
problem is when the first thing we would suggest is to do just that.

I bet that the problem will be a missing Reference from the code (Tools |
References); but you need to open the template's code to find out first.

- Malc

Marc Hankin

1. Malc asked: "Have you opened up the Word
template...from the Word's IDE tried to compile it? Have
you then seen what the error message is?"
I haven't tried to compile it. I thought that that
was a no-no. (I have a dim recollection that I once told
the IDE to compile a template, and that that screwed
something up.) I'll do some research to find out how to
do that, and what its implications are. I presume I'll
do as you suggested.

2. Malc said: "I would suggest that doing that would be
easier than asking us what the problem is when the first
thing we would suggest is to do just that."
I am sorry for being a nuisance. I really do try to
figure out what I can, so that I don't take advantage of
your generosity with your time. I have spend days trying
to figure this out, noodling around, and I did not know
where to look.
By the way, in answer to a question you posed in a
response to an email I posed a few weeks ago, I am a
lawyer . . . for the time being. I do a lot of public
interest work, to the chagrin of a corrupt judiciary, and
to the dismay of my family (who would prefer that I earn
a living instead). If you're interested, my website is

3. Malc said: "I bet that the problem will be a missing
Reference from the code (Tools | >References)..."
You're right that that's a problem, and I should have
realized that it might be related. Sorry for being such
a dummy. I'm missing the following libraries: Data
Object Wizard, DateAlarm 1.0 Type Library, and
DBNamespace 1.0 Type Library.
Yesterday, someone told me the following:
"If you're using VB6, it should contain Data
Object Wizard. You can find it in Add-Ins->Add-In
Manager. However there is a known issue regarding
the visibility of these Add-Ins:
Q190212 BUG: Add-Ins Only Visible to the User Who
Installs VB;EN-

I've never played with the registry before, but I'll
get someone here in L.A. to help me do what Q190212
suggests before I consider bothering you folks again.
Thank you for your help. It is much appreciated. I
hope the hospital stay wasn't for anything too serious
(although one never goes to the hospital to play golf or
Thanks again, Marc

Malcolm Smith


Aha, a lawyer! Most of my clients are in the legal field, but mostly in
the UK.

Just compiling the code ought to cause no problems with the template.
Anyway, I have no idea what these three libraries do and so I can't help
you here at all. And, sadly, I am about 6,000 miles away so I can't pop
over and help though I do expect to be in LA at the end of the year.

Best wishes

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