compile error in hidden module



Every time I open Excel 2003, I get the error: "compile error in hidden
module: AutoExecNew" and on closing, I get the error: "compile error in
hidden module: DistMon". I have read your knowledge base article on the
subject and also searched newsgroups. Recommended solutions all point to
pdfmaker.xla. I have already deleted all the pdfmaker files but I still get
the errors. What next? Thanks. Sammie


Nope - this is the kb article I already tried with no joy. I need a new
suggestion. What is autoexecnew and distmon? Is there a visual basic hidden
module? I have disabled all my add-ins. This problem isn't a show-stopper,
but it's been going on for months and it's very annoying. I will appreciate
new ideas. Thanks. Sammie

Frank Kabel

if you have disabled all your addins (and you may double-check this)
also check if you have any files in your XLStart folder


OK, just to check: I go tools, add-ins, and nothing is checked.
Nothing is in my XLstart folder.
Thanks for any more new ideas.

Dave Peterson

Depending on your upgrade path through excel, you could have multiple XLStart

I'm still betting my money that you have that addin in one of those XLStart

Close excel
windows start button|search/find
look for pdf*.xla (just in case the name isn't always the same)

If (when!) you find it, move it somewhere else and see what happens when you
start excel the next time.

OK, just to check: I go tools, add-ins, and nothing is checked.
Nothing is in my XLstart folder.
Thanks for any more new ideas.


Dave Peterson,

I am having same problem with DistMon and AutoExecNew. I found this string
and followed instructions. What I found was an XLStart folder, but not an
XLStart file. I moved XLStart Folder out of Excel on to Desktop and then
Excel (part of MS Office 2003) would not start.

Can you offer, or any other users, offer some assistance?

I have recently UNinstalled Adobe Acrobat 5.0, after installing MS Office
2003 (I had been using MS OFfice 2000). I did NOT seek any residual Acrobat
files and manually delete them. Is this something I should do? Could this be
part of the problem?

Dave Peterson

Put the folder back, but move the addins to a different location--or if you'll
never use them, delete them.


I am puzzled. "pdf Maker" is the ONLY file in the folder. Should there be
more than that present in this folder?

In any case, I moved the "pdf Maker" file out of the SLStart folder (put it
on the desktop, in case I need it) and Excel seems to be working fine.


While I am on a roll. I have investigated the User Group sites and see no
method of "subscribing" (or whatever term MS uses) so I would be notified of
new posts to the site - not just replies to my posts. It would seem to be
beneficial to monitor all posts, in some specific software areas, at least,
in order to both learn and be able to share my "learnings" with other. I have
sent an inquiry to MS about this, but have received no adequate response as
yet. Can you point me in the right direction?

Dave Peterson

There doesn't have to be.

I have 3 files in my XLStart
#1. Book.xlt
#2. Sheet.xlt
#3. Personal.xla

The first is a template that excel uses when I create a new workbook by clicking
on the New icon on the standard toolbar.

The second is a template that excel uses when I add a worksheet to an existing

The third is where I keep all my macros and user defined functions. (Some
people use personal.xls.)

There can be more here, too.

I am puzzled. "pdf Maker" is the ONLY file in the folder. Should there be
more than that present in this folder?

In any case, I moved the "pdf Maker" file out of the SLStart folder (put it
on the desktop, in case I need it) and Excel seems to be working fine.


While I am on a roll. I have investigated the User Group sites and see no
method of "subscribing" (or whatever term MS uses) so I would be notified of
new posts to the site - not just replies to my posts. It would seem to be
beneficial to monitor all posts, in some specific software areas, at least,
in order to both learn and be able to share my "learnings" with other. I have
sent an inquiry to MS about this, but have received no adequate response as
yet. Can you point me in the right direction?

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