Hi there,
I am in the process of updating some word templates from 2000 into 2007.
I have the following piece of code that is causing a slight headache!
I have checked the docs module and there is no GetPeopleList setup there as
a Public const.....
If tho in 2000 I type DOCS and then the . I am presented with .GetPeopleList
What am I doing wrong that is not allowing me to see .GetPeopleList?? as
this is not setup on 2000 either in the .DOCS module.
Any help would be really really helpful!!
Thank you
I am in the process of updating some word templates from 2000 into 2007.
I have the following piece of code that is causing a slight headache!
Private Sub LoadReferences()
Dim RefArray()
Dim oReference As clsDOCSPerson
Dim iRow As Integer
'Build the list of people in a multi-array
Set oReferences = DOCS.GetPeopleList
''''''''''Here when it trys to set oReferences it gets an error.....
If oReferences Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
For Each oReference In oReferences.Items
cboxPartner.AddItem oReference.FullName
cboxAuthor1.AddItem oReference.FullName
cboxAuthor2.AddItem oReference.FullName
Next oReference
' WN 21/11/2002 - object clean up
Set oReference = Nothing
End Sub
I have checked the docs module and there is no GetPeopleList setup there as
a Public const.....
If tho in 2000 I type DOCS and then the . I am presented with .GetPeopleList
What am I doing wrong that is not allowing me to see .GetPeopleList?? as
this is not setup on 2000 either in the .DOCS module.
Any help would be really really helpful!!
Thank you