compile error: object required



this is code fired by an onchange event in my form. I've
gotten through setting the reference for DAO and removing
it for ADO, but now this.

When the code goes to fire, I get a Compile Error: Object
required message. 'thisdate =' is highlighted - the
first set statement - in the debugger. If I comment out
that line, the numdays line is highlighted. I've tried
setting to constants with the same error.

Any idea why? Something wrong with my declaration or set
tia, jb

Private Sub start_date_Change()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim numdays As Byte
Dim counter As Byte
Dim thisdate As Date

Set thisdate = Me![start_date]
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("workdays", dbOpenDynaset)
Set numdays = Me![days_required]
Set counter = 1

Do While counter <= numdays
With rs
!activity_id = Forms![Phase Form]!activity_id
!Date = thisdate
End With
counter = counter + 1
thisdate = DateAdd("d", 1, thisdate)

Proc_Exit: Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in <procedurename>:" &
vbCrLf & _

Resume Proc_Exit
End Sub

Graham Mandeno


Only object variables (Database, Recordset, Form, etc) need the Set keyword,
so you should omit it for all but db and rs:
thisdate = Me![start_date]
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("workdays", dbOpenDynaset)
numdays = Me![days_required]
counter = 1

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

jb33 said:
this is code fired by an onchange event in my form. I've
gotten through setting the reference for DAO and removing
it for ADO, but now this.

When the code goes to fire, I get a Compile Error: Object
required message. 'thisdate =' is highlighted - the
first set statement - in the debugger. If I comment out
that line, the numdays line is highlighted. I've tried
setting to constants with the same error.

Any idea why? Something wrong with my declaration or set
tia, jb

Private Sub start_date_Change()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim numdays As Byte
Dim counter As Byte
Dim thisdate As Date

Set thisdate = Me![start_date]
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("workdays", dbOpenDynaset)
Set numdays = Me![days_required]
Set counter = 1

Do While counter <= numdays
With rs
!activity_id = Forms![Phase Form]!activity_id
!Date = thisdate
End With
counter = counter + 1
thisdate = DateAdd("d", 1, thisdate)

Proc_Exit: Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in <procedurename>:" &
vbCrLf & _

Resume Proc_Exit
End Sub


-----Original Message-----
this is code fired by an onchange event in my form. I've
gotten through setting the reference for DAO and removing
it for ADO, but now this.

When the code goes to fire, I get a Compile Error: Object
required message. 'thisdate =' is highlighted - the
first set statement - in the debugger. If I comment out
that line, the numdays line is highlighted. I've tried
setting to constants with the same error.

Any idea why? Something wrong with my declaration or set
tia, jb

Private Sub start_date_Change()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim numdays As Byte
Dim counter As Byte
Dim thisdate As Date

Set thisdate = Me![start_date]
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("workdays", dbOpenDynaset)
Set numdays = Me![days_required]
Set counter = 1

Do While counter <= numdays
With rs
!activity_id = Forms![Phase Form]!activity_id
!Date = thisdate
End With
counter = counter + 1
thisdate = DateAdd("d", 1, thisdate)

Proc_Exit: Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in <procedurename>:" &
vbCrLf & _

Resume Proc_Exit
End Sub

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