Compile Error - Wrong number of arguements or invalid property ass


James T

Created a very basic macro.

Spreadsheet has certain columns hidden and certain ones showing.

I just want the macro to hide all the columns I define (even if they are
already hidden or not)

However when I run it I get an error:

Compile Error - Wrong number of arguements or invalid property assignment.

It highlights the word "COLUMNS" in the debug.

Sub AmendReport()
'This macro unhides all columns and reopens the form for changes
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub

Any thoughts?


I assume this routine is not on the worksheet that you wish to change, but
in a module.
As such, "Columns" cannot be resolved. You would need a "Sheets("Report")."
in front.
Also, unless have a reason, there is no need to "Select". You can achieve
the same with:
Sheets("Report").Columns("B:AW").Hidden = True


Patrick Molloy

Sub AmendReport()

Sheets("Report").Range("B:AW").EntireColumn.Hidden = True

End Sub

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