compile error



I have a spreadsheet program that I have been working on. I wanted to test
it on another computer so to see how it would work. When I run it on another
computer I get the following compile error:

Can't find project or library.

Here is the part of the procedure that it stops on

If TextBox2.Value = "" Then
CommandButton6.Enabled = False
teststr = TextBox2.Text

For i = 1 To Len(teststr)
testchar = UCase(Mid(teststr, i, 1))
'MsgBox (TestChar)
If testchar = " " Then
CommandButton6.Enabled = True
If Asc(testchar) < Asc("A") Or _
Asc(testchar) > Asc("Z") Then
MsgBox "You need to enter Letters only for the Database
Name!", vbExclamation
CommandButton6.Enabled = False
TextBox2.Value = ""
Exit For
End If
CommandButton6.Enabled = True
End If
Next i
End If

It stops on 'Mid' on this part of this code

UCase(Mid(teststr, i, 1))

Any ideas on why it won't run this?

Tim Zych

Classic compilation problem with a MISSING reference. Uncheck the MISSING
reference in the VBE's Tools -> References. If this is not a required
reference, uncheck it in the source / development copy too.

Tim Zych
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I went to the Tools -> References but I'm not sure which option to uncheck.
I'm also not sure what a required reference is. I'm new at this.


I bypassed the code where it was stopping at and got another compile error on

I tried the same codes on another workbook on the same computer and they
worked fine on that workbook.

Tim Zych

In the problem machine, are there any MISSING references?

Tim Zych
Compare data in Excel and find differences with Workbook Compare
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Now with Table Compare for quick table comparisons


I found the MISSING Ref Edit Control and unchecked it on the computer I was
having the problems with. If I understand it correctly I should uncheck Ref
Edit Control on the source computer also. How do I know if this is needed on
the source computer?

Tim Zych

Hm, I am not aware Ref Edit Control (refedit.dll) is even required to use

As long as you're not using the RefEdit control uncheck it in the source and
you should be good to go.

Tim Zych
Compare data in Excel and find differences with Workbook Compare
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Now with Table Compare for quick table comparisons


Yes, Missing Ref Edit Control. I unchecked it and the program worked. If I
understand you correctly I should uncheck Ref Edit Control on the source
computer also. What is it and how do I know if is needed?


Thanks for your help

Tim Zych said:
Hm, I am not aware Ref Edit Control (refedit.dll) is even required to use

As long as you're not using the RefEdit control uncheck it in the source and
you should be good to go.

Tim Zych
Compare data in Excel and find differences with Workbook Compare
A free, powerful, flexible Excel utility
Now with Table Compare for quick table comparisons

Tim Zych

See what a refedit control looks like by going to my website.

At the top is a screenshot of "Table Compare" which uses RefEdit controls.
They allow you to select ranges on a workhseet.

Sounds like the reference got "checked" somehow in your project but that you
are not using it.

Tim Zych
Compare data in Excel and find differences with Workbook Compare
A free, powerful, flexible Excel utility
Now with Table Compare for quick table comparisons

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