I have a spreadsheet program that I have been working on. I wanted to test
it on another computer so to see how it would work. When I run it on another
computer I get the following compile error:
Can't find project or library.
Here is the part of the procedure that it stops on
If TextBox2.Value = "" Then
CommandButton6.Enabled = False
teststr = TextBox2.Text
For i = 1 To Len(teststr)
testchar = UCase(Mid(teststr, i, 1))
'MsgBox (TestChar)
If testchar = " " Then
CommandButton6.Enabled = True
If Asc(testchar) < Asc("A") Or _
Asc(testchar) > Asc("Z") Then
MsgBox "You need to enter Letters only for the Database
Name!", vbExclamation
CommandButton6.Enabled = False
TextBox2.Value = ""
Exit For
End If
CommandButton6.Enabled = True
End If
Next i
End If
It stops on 'Mid' on this part of this code
UCase(Mid(teststr, i, 1))
Any ideas on why it won't run this?
it on another computer so to see how it would work. When I run it on another
computer I get the following compile error:
Can't find project or library.
Here is the part of the procedure that it stops on
If TextBox2.Value = "" Then
CommandButton6.Enabled = False
teststr = TextBox2.Text
For i = 1 To Len(teststr)
testchar = UCase(Mid(teststr, i, 1))
'MsgBox (TestChar)
If testchar = " " Then
CommandButton6.Enabled = True
If Asc(testchar) < Asc("A") Or _
Asc(testchar) > Asc("Z") Then
MsgBox "You need to enter Letters only for the Database
Name!", vbExclamation
CommandButton6.Enabled = False
TextBox2.Value = ""
Exit For
End If
CommandButton6.Enabled = True
End If
Next i
End If
It stops on 'Mid' on this part of this code
UCase(Mid(teststr, i, 1))
Any ideas on why it won't run this?