Whenever I attempt to write a bit of code on a form control, I get a "Compile
Error: Expecting Case" error message right after "SELECT". If I let Access
create code on the data tab and then copy and paste that code into the code
builder on the Event tab, I get the same error. Why do I keep getting this
error and how do I correct it. I get the error on this code:
SELECT projstatus.projdesc, projstatus.signed, projstatus.start,
projstatus.todate, projstatus.finished FROM projstatus;
the compilers highlights the "projstatus" right after SELECT and tells me
"Case expected"
Error: Expecting Case" error message right after "SELECT". If I let Access
create code on the data tab and then copy and paste that code into the code
builder on the Event tab, I get the same error. Why do I keep getting this
error and how do I correct it. I get the error on this code:
SELECT projstatus.projdesc, projstatus.signed, projstatus.start,
projstatus.todate, projstatus.finished FROM projstatus;
the compilers highlights the "projstatus" right after SELECT and tells me
"Case expected"