Ehsan Khan
Dear All,
I have created a graphical indicator for Task Progress which is as follows.
IIf([%Complete]=100,IIf([Finish Variance]>0,â€Late
Completionâ€,â€Completedâ€),IIf(ProjDateDiff([Current Date],[Baseline
Start])/480>0 AND [%Complete]=0,â€Not Startedâ€,IIf(ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Current Date])/480>0,â€Lateâ€,â€On Timeâ€)))
Equals ‘Late : “Red Ballâ€
Equals ‘On Time’ : “Yellow Ballâ€
Equals ‘Completed’: “Green Ballâ€
Equals ‘Not Started’: “White Ballâ€
Equals ‘Late Completion’: “Black Ballâ€
Now the problem is that the team members report the progress on % Work
Complete and these indicators are based on % Complete. I know that % Complete
= % Duration Complete but I want to know whether there is some link between %
COmplete and % work complete because sometimes if the resources send their
progress on % Work COmplete it updates % complete as well (which is wht I
want) thus reflecting the progress in the indicator and gantt chart however
in some cases % complete does not get updated.... How can this be handled ...
I donot want the project manager to update the % complete by hand......
Also I would like to know the details related to triggers in Risks.......
wht do they
explain.. how can you created ur own value.... ?? wht is meant by date?? wht
is meant by task?? etc .. please give me some details realted to that.....
Thanks for any help........
EPM Consulant
I have created a graphical indicator for Task Progress which is as follows.
IIf([%Complete]=100,IIf([Finish Variance]>0,â€Late
Completionâ€,â€Completedâ€),IIf(ProjDateDiff([Current Date],[Baseline
Start])/480>0 AND [%Complete]=0,â€Not Startedâ€,IIf(ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Current Date])/480>0,â€Lateâ€,â€On Timeâ€)))
Equals ‘Late : “Red Ballâ€
Equals ‘On Time’ : “Yellow Ballâ€
Equals ‘Completed’: “Green Ballâ€
Equals ‘Not Started’: “White Ballâ€
Equals ‘Late Completion’: “Black Ballâ€
Now the problem is that the team members report the progress on % Work
Complete and these indicators are based on % Complete. I know that % Complete
= % Duration Complete but I want to know whether there is some link between %
COmplete and % work complete because sometimes if the resources send their
progress on % Work COmplete it updates % complete as well (which is wht I
want) thus reflecting the progress in the indicator and gantt chart however
in some cases % complete does not get updated.... How can this be handled ...
I donot want the project manager to update the % complete by hand......
Also I would like to know the details related to triggers in Risks.......
wht do they
explain.. how can you created ur own value.... ?? wht is meant by date?? wht
is meant by task?? etc .. please give me some details realted to that.....
Thanks for any help........
EPM Consulant