Work is not the measure of % Complete as Project uses the term. There are 2
different metrics (actually 3 when you include % Physical Complete). "%
Complete" refers to duration. "% Work Complete" refers to work. While they
may turn out to be the same number, there's no reason they always will. To
see a case that illustrates the difference, imagine a task where we're
painting a room with several coats that need to dry between times. The task
starts Monday at 8am and there's 2 hours of work on Mon, then 2 hours each
on Tue, Wed, and Thu, and then we have a big day Fri working all day to
finish everything off, do the trim, and so forth so it takes a full day of
work on Fri. Our duration is Mon 8am to Fri 5pm, 40 hours. Our work is
2+2+2+2+8 or 16 man-hours. It's presently Thursday at 5pm an we're right on
schedule. Remember duration is defined working time since the task began,
regardless of whether we've actually worked during every possible minute or
not. Thus the task is at 32/40 hours duration, or 80% Complete. But the
work is at 8/16 man-hours or 50% Work Complete.
To obtain the percent complete for a block of tasks in the same way Project
computes summary task progress, you would sum the tasks Actual Durations to
date and divide by the sum of the scheduled task durations. I have 5 tasks
of 5 days each. I've worked for 1 day on the first one, 3 days each on the
2nd and 3rd, and 2 days each on the 4th and 5th tasks. The total number of
days to be worked on all tasks is 25 days. The actual days worked so far is
11 days. Therefore the group's progress is 11/25 or 44% Complete. OR if
you prefer to use % Work Complete, do a similar computation using work
instead of duration.
Still thinking about a good way to track the percent complete you should be
at versus the one you are at.