Completed Checkbox Not Operating



Hi there -

In a task list, one of the fields I display is the "Completed" checkbox that
indicates whether or not a particular task is complete.

For some reason, I can no longer mark a task as complete by using that
checkbox. When I point at the checkbox and then click with my mouse, the
task is not marked as complete. If I click once, it selects the task, if I
double click, it opens the task.

In the past, I could mark a task as complete simply by pointing at the
checkbox, and clicking once. I've checked for updates, done a detect and
repair, everything else about Outlook seems to be operating normally.

Any thoughts?

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

I would guess you have 2007. I logged this bug a little while ago.

Here's what worked for me - I showed the flag column and used that to
"complete" a few Tasks. Then took it away. For some strange reason the real
"complete" column now works.
I hope this helps you at least a little bit!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook

read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia

Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice.


Judy -

Thanks for your response, sorry I was slow getting back to this.

As I look at this more closely, I am now no longer able to do ANY "in-line"
editing of any of the fields that would normally accept a change. For
example, when showing a list of tasks, I can no longer change the Priority
without actually opening the task. I cannot change the due date without
opening the task, etc. It is as if the list is now just a picture of my

I use Outlook 2003 SP2 on a Vista machine.

Thanks again,


Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

try running detect and repair - help menu.

I hope this helps you at least a little bit!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook

read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia

Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice.

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