Hi, does MS Project calculates the %Completed Planned for each task?
This is the scenario:
There's a Task A that starts on day 1 and it have a estimated duration of 4
days. According with this numbers and If the resource assgined is working on
time, a 25% of the task will be completed, so after 4 days, the task will ve
100% completed.
On day 3, the resource assgined update his task with a 40% completed. But,
according the planned, he supose to have a 75% completed.
I've seen % completed column on MSProject file but I can't find a %Completed
Planned (75%) column.
Can I interpret %Completed Column as the % Completed Actual value?
Please help.
Best Regards.
This is the scenario:
There's a Task A that starts on day 1 and it have a estimated duration of 4
days. According with this numbers and If the resource assgined is working on
time, a 25% of the task will be completed, so after 4 days, the task will ve
100% completed.
On day 3, the resource assgined update his task with a 40% completed. But,
according the planned, he supose to have a 75% completed.
I've seen % completed column on MSProject file but I can't find a %Completed
Planned (75%) column.
Can I interpret %Completed Column as the % Completed Actual value?
Please help.
Best Regards.