Angel --
Thanks for sharing your pain!
I understand.
When you change a resource to Proposed, the system basically treats all
Remaining Work as tentative. You will not see this work in the View
Resource Availability page in the Project Center UNLESS you select the View
Options tab and select the "Include Proposed Bookings" option. The work
hours WILL appear in the OLAP cube, however, but you can drag the Booking
Type dimension into any view and then deselect the Proposed booking type.
Also, in the Build Team dialog, the Proposed work hours will not show up in
the Available to Work filter unless you select the "Include proposed
bookings..." option.
When a project is put on hold and then is ready to be restarted, refer to
the following FAQ for the process to reschedule uncompleted work: Documents/RescheduleUncompletedWork.htm
Hope this helps.