We are trying to implement a complex calculation for Project Health using the
stop lights. One element of the calculation is to look at how much of the
work has been completed as compared to the elapsed duration on a task and the
other is looking at tasks with Actual Finish date that is later than the
Baseline Finish date. We are trying to determine if using an Enterprise Task
field would be best for this or if not what other type field would be best.
Also has anyone been able to implement such a calculation and can help guide
stop lights. One element of the calculation is to look at how much of the
work has been completed as compared to the elapsed duration on a task and the
other is looking at tasks with Actual Finish date that is later than the
Baseline Finish date. We are trying to determine if using an Enterprise Task
field would be best for this or if not what other type field would be best.
Also has anyone been able to implement such a calculation and can help guide