MSW Intern
Is there a way to have Excel consider a birth date to determine if the person
is under 18 versus 18 and older? My current formula just uses <18, but that
only works if I input each person's age. I need to revise it so that it looks
at the birthdates in coorelation with the current date to determine which
category the person falls into.
My current formula reads:
=SUMPRODUCT((F5:F14>=DATE(2009, 7, 1))*(F5:F14<=DATE(2009, 10,
31))*(C5:C14<18), D5
I need to revise the part that says <18 to instead consider birthdates,
while keeping all the rest of this long formula. Please help!!
is under 18 versus 18 and older? My current formula just uses <18, but that
only works if I input each person's age. I need to revise it so that it looks
at the birthdates in coorelation with the current date to determine which
category the person falls into.
My current formula reads:
=SUMPRODUCT((F5:F14>=DATE(2009, 7, 1))*(F5:F14<=DATE(2009, 10,
31))*(C5:C14<18), D5
I need to revise the part that says <18 to instead consider birthdates,
while keeping all the rest of this long formula. Please help!!