Tab1: Item#1, Item#2
Tab2: Item#1, Title, actor, year
I used inner join to join Tab1.Item#1 and Tab2.Item#1 with a filter on Title
(like "dvd*) this return all result have dvd at the beginning of the title
(like dvd Monster House, dvd Speedy Zone). Then based on these results, I
want to look at the same table (tab2) that have the same title (maybe look up
to 50 lenght of the title) but does not have dvd in front of it (like Monster
House, Speedy Zone) and these title without dvd have it own item#, but the
actor and the year will be same as with the dvd. The final result should be
like Item#1 dvd Monster House, Item#other for Monster House, Item#1 dvd
Speedy Zone Item#other for Speedy Zone. I tried under tab2 ("ebk " &[Title]
and mid([Tab2].[Title], 4,50)) and it does not work. Will it be easy to show
tab2 two times. tab2 and tab2_1?
I been trying it for week now but can't figure out.
Tab2: Item#1, Title, actor, year
I used inner join to join Tab1.Item#1 and Tab2.Item#1 with a filter on Title
(like "dvd*) this return all result have dvd at the beginning of the title
(like dvd Monster House, dvd Speedy Zone). Then based on these results, I
want to look at the same table (tab2) that have the same title (maybe look up
to 50 lenght of the title) but does not have dvd in front of it (like Monster
House, Speedy Zone) and these title without dvd have it own item#, but the
actor and the year will be same as with the dvd. The final result should be
like Item#1 dvd Monster House, Item#other for Monster House, Item#1 dvd
Speedy Zone Item#other for Speedy Zone. I tried under tab2 ("ebk " &[Title]
and mid([Tab2].[Title], 4,50)) and it does not work. Will it be easy to show
tab2 two times. tab2 and tab2_1?
I been trying it for week now but can't figure out.