Complicated Point Plotting



For a math project, I calculated the accuracy of a paintball gun on a
X 4 foot board. I devided this board into 16 sections (so 1 ft s
each). When the paintball hit... I marked 1) How many inches across 2
How many inches above. Therefore no point would read more than 12 b

This isn't such a problem, by simply math I can find the exact point o
a 4 X 4 undevided board. It would make my job easyer if I could jus
plot the data since I have hundreads of trials :eek:

The main problem is I need to determine the distance from one point t
another. What is the best way to do this in excel? I have just recentl
started to learn how to use excel on the mac (been using window

I am not sure of excel mathematical capababilities, but once I kno
this distance I can calculate the variance and Standard Deviation. I
excel can graph the areas where the paintball hit more often (b
shading or something), please tell me. I noticed on one type of barre
the paintballs curved more to the right, and if I want to make accurat
results, I need to know if the distribution is even or not.

If this is confusing, sorry.

Paul Corrado

Use the Pythagorean Theorem

For distance from the center

Distance = (x^2+y^2)^.5

For distance between any two points




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