S Jackson
I have a dialog form that allows to a user to select a "region" criteria
from a drop down list and then print a report based on the "region"
I want to add another criteria selection in addition to the "region"
selection. This critieria is called "action."
The form has three List boxes:
RegListBx (user selects the "region" criteria)
RptGroupListBx (user selects a report group)
RptListBx (unbound list box that is populated based on the selection user
makes in the RptGroupListBx).
The code to print the report for the "regions" selected looks like this:
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim varItem As Variant
stLinkCriteria = "[tblCaseInfo]![Region] IN ("
For Each varItem In Me.RegListBx.ItemsSelected
stLinkCriteria = stLinkCriteria & _
Me.RegListBx.ItemData(varItem) & ","
Next varItem
stLinkCriteria = Left(stLinkCriteria, Len(stLinkCriteria) - 1) & ")"
How do I add in that I want to also include the critieria selected in my new
combo box, "ActionListBx" to the stLinkCriteria string? Can this be done?
S. Jackson
from a drop down list and then print a report based on the "region"
I want to add another criteria selection in addition to the "region"
selection. This critieria is called "action."
The form has three List boxes:
RegListBx (user selects the "region" criteria)
RptGroupListBx (user selects a report group)
RptListBx (unbound list box that is populated based on the selection user
makes in the RptGroupListBx).
The code to print the report for the "regions" selected looks like this:
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim varItem As Variant
stLinkCriteria = "[tblCaseInfo]![Region] IN ("
For Each varItem In Me.RegListBx.ItemsSelected
stLinkCriteria = stLinkCriteria & _
Me.RegListBx.ItemData(varItem) & ","
Next varItem
stLinkCriteria = Left(stLinkCriteria, Len(stLinkCriteria) - 1) & ")"
How do I add in that I want to also include the critieria selected in my new
combo box, "ActionListBx" to the stLinkCriteria string? Can this be done?
S. Jackson