Compose Email In Spanish



Good Morning,
I have a user who need to send and compose email in Spanish with the symbol
set and all. Where do i change default email language. I changed the region
in control panal and found the dictionary in outlook tools-options but
neither helped. Perhaps it's an add on needed to be installed from the CD, if
so where do i go to initiate the loading of Spanish for their email.

Thanks you for any help,

Pat Willener

Not quite clear what you need. What happens when user writes in Spanish?
Do the Spanish characters not display correctly? If so, make sure that
the encoding is set to ISO-8859-1 (not US-ASCII).

If this is not the problem, then please clarify.


Hi Pat, Thanks for the response.

Yes, when the user types in spanish there are no Spanish characters in the
words. Like accents aver an O etc... I looked and she was set to Western
European (ISO). I did not see an ISO labeled ISO-8859-1. I also tried the

I toggled the auto select encoding for outgoing messages box each way for
both language options but still i did not see the Spanish language format
when typing an email.

Is the conversion something the user would not see and is applied when sent?
Or should the user see when typing all attached formatting/conversions
available for the email.

It's office 2003.
Thank You Matt

Pat Willener

Hi Matt,

ISO-8859-1 = Western European (ISO), so this is correctly set. You could
also try Western European (Windows), but at this stage I don't believe
this makes a difference.

A few additional questions:
- do the Spanish characters appear in other applications (Notepad)?
- what message format is used (plain text, HTML, RTF)?
- what font is used?
- what editor is used (Outlook, Word)?

International characters should immediately be visible when typed. What
exactly do you see when a Spanish character is typed - nothing, or the
character without accent mark, or a question mark?



You're right, European (windows) did not make a difference.
To answer your questions:

1. Spanish characters do not appear in any writting program.
3. Arial
4. Word 2003

Thank You,

Pat Willener

OK, you have provided the answer. If the Spanish character do not appear
in any program, then it is the input method that does not work. What is
the input method (Spanish language keyboard, or Spanish IME)?

If it is a Spanish keyboard, then make sure that it is correctly defined
in the Device Manager, and in Control Panel Regional Options.


Okay so now i think i get it. I had really never tried to type in Spanish so
i thought maybe windows had a built in 'just switch to soanish mode'.

I do not see buying a new keyboard so i will look into IME's. Anyplace in
particular i could focus. how do i load it?


Pat Willener

I hope other group members don't mind that this thread has somewhat gone
off-topic. But since it started as an Outlook question here, let's
complete it here too.

Inputting international languages with the appropriate keyboard is of
course the easiest way. But not always, e.g. when you use multiple
international languages, e.g. as I do.

When I need to input Japanese I use the Japanese IME - anything else
would be too complicated.

When I need to input an occasional French or German accented character,
I use a tool called Shortkeys Lite (
For me this is easier to use than to switch IMEs.

If you want to try to install the Spanish IME on Windows XP, open
Control Panel | Regional Options | tab Languages | Details | Add, then
select one of the Spanish options as Input Language.

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