compound interest daily

  • Thread starter Calculation limited
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Calculation limited

I need to calculate compounded daily interest on an amount owed by a debtor.
Can someone give me a excel formula. I am not a math please layman terms. I
know the principal of how it works but don't want to spend a day doing it by
calculator. Amount 4324.13 @23.99% from 10/22/03 to 8/23/05


We are assuming 23.99% simple interest, calculated and compounded dail
(ooh, that's nasty! :eek: )

There may be simpler ways to do this, but this way should get you you

Beginning in F1 enter the start date (i.e. 10/22/03) and auto fill tha
down until you reach 8/23/05 (F672). In G1 enter the beginning value o
the loan ($4324.13). In G2, enter this formula:

=G1+(G1*(0.2399/365)) and copy down to the end of the range (doubl
click on the drag handle)

For more data, you could see the total amount of interest added to dat
by using this in H2:


and this in H3, copied down:


Your total will be in G672 (you can continue down with the formulas i
the bugger hasn't paid up yet).

Good Luck!


Duke Carey

Put the dates in cells A1 & A2, oldest date first
Put the Amount in A3 and the Rate in A4

in B1 use this formula


That will tell you what the total interest rate is.

In B2 use the formula


That's the total interest owed


Calculation said:
I need to calculate compounded daily interest on an amount owed by a debtor.
Can someone give me a excel formula. I am not a math please layman terms. I
know the principal of how it works but don't want to spend a day doing it by
calculator. Amount 4324.13 @23.99% from 10/22/03 to 8/23/05

Did you advertise (or stipulate) that 23.99% is the "APR"?

If so, then I believe that using 23.99%/365 (0.065726%) for
the compounded daily interest rate is incorrect. That would
result in an APR of 27.10%. I believe the correct compounded
daily interest rate is 0.058930%.

(Note: That is a personal opinion, not a legal one. I do
not know what is common practice or regulation among lendors.)

Given an APR of 23.99%, this is how I would compute the
compounded daily interest rate:

RATE(365,,-1,1.2399) [A1]

The number of days (671) can be computed as:

DATE(2005,8,23)-DATE(2003,10,22) [A2]

Do you truly want to compute the "compounded daily interest"
-- the amount of interest each day(!)? Or do you really want
to compute something else -- perhaps the total interest
accumulated between 10/22/03 and 8/23/05, assuming no payments
and a compounded daily interest rate?

The latter ($2096.49) can be computed as follows:


I hope that helps. As noted, it is not really clear (to me)
what you are trying to compute.

Calculation limited

Thanks so much. I am saved.

Duke Carey said:
Put the dates in cells A1 & A2, oldest date first
Put the Amount in A3 and the Rate in A4

in B1 use this formula


That will tell you what the total interest rate is.

In B2 use the formula


That's the total interest owed

Calculation limited

Thanks for your help. I am saved.

Calculation said:
I need to calculate compounded daily interest on an amount owed by a debtor.
Can someone give me a excel formula. I am not a math please layman terms. I
know the principal of how it works but don't want to spend a day doing it by
calculator. Amount 4324.13 @23.99% from 10/22/03 to 8/23/05

Did you advertise (or stipulate) that 23.99% is the "APR"?

If so, then I believe that using 23.99%/365 (0.065726%) for
the compounded daily interest rate is incorrect. That would
result in an APR of 27.10%. I believe the correct compounded
daily interest rate is 0.058930%.

(Note: That is a personal opinion, not a legal one. I do
not know what is common practice or regulation among lendors.)

Given an APR of 23.99%, this is how I would compute the
compounded daily interest rate:

RATE(365,,-1,1.2399) [A1]

The number of days (671) can be computed as:

DATE(2005,8,23)-DATE(2003,10,22) [A2]

Do you truly want to compute the "compounded daily interest"
-- the amount of interest each day(!)? Or do you really want
to compute something else -- perhaps the total interest
accumulated between 10/22/03 and 8/23/05, assuming no payments
and a compounded daily interest rate?

The latter ($2096.49) can be computed as follows:


I hope that helps. As noted, it is not really clear (to me)
what you are trying to compute.

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