Compressing images on forms/reports


Jim McGovern

I am designing a form which needs to have an image of a drawing for our
products. The drawings are done in "Paint" (.bmp format) and when I link an
image control to the path to return the pic it goes well beyond the boundry
of the image control. Is there anyway to compress the size of the image
without changing the orginal pic or losing the detail? Point to note-this
image will also be used in printed form for production routing so size is an
issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

DanielS via

There is a property for image called Size Mode, set it to strech.
Maybe this will work.

For printing you may want to look at opening another app then print.


Jim McGovern

Thanks Daniel...
I have tried this during previous attempts at this but I was actually
embedding the clip (big no-no). I will try it this way and see how it works.
It may come to a point where we have to change our methodolgy of capturing
product images.

Again thanks! If anyone else has any other suggestions I'd like to hear
them as well.

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