Compression not available


Steve Callen

Both options for compression (none or Macintosh Stuffit) are Œgreyed¹ out.
What gives? Why can¹t I used Entourage to compress my attachments? I have
the latest version of Stuffit on my machine. I¹m running 17² iMac, 160 GB,
1.25MHz, 1 GB RAM, Panther 10.3.2, latest Office X.

Dave Cortright

Both options for compression (none or Macintosh Stuffit) are Œgreyed¹ out.
What gives? Why can¹t I used Entourage to compress my attachments? I have the
latest version of Stuffit on my machine. I¹m running 17² iMac, 160 GB,
1.25MHz, 1 GB RAM, Panther 10.3.2, latest Office X.

Are you using the latest version? I believe there was a bug in 8.0 that may
have been fixed in 8.02.

If that doesn't work, you should contact Aladdin support.

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