Column A Last Name First Name Date of Birth Current Status Sum A Sum B Sum
C Sum D Sum E Sum F
XYZ Baggins Frodo 1/1/2010 F 432 4525 4232 421 755 866
AXYZ Baggins Frodo 1/1/2010 P 654 532 757 797 321 853
XYZ Sully Jake 2/2/2010 F 43 32 543 45 23 543
AXYZ Sully Jake 2/2/2010 P 43 423 54 32 643 65
XYZ Wayne Bruce 1/14/2010 F 10 20 30 40 50 60
XYZ Dawson Jack 3/3/2010 F 43 32 543 45 23 543
AXYZ Dawson Jack 3/3/2010 P 654 73 352 874 232 876
XYZ Connor John 3/3/2010 P 100 432 87 985 123 439
If an employee has duplicate records in coulmn A with XYZ and AXYZ, and if
AXYZ has current status, P, then this should add the respective totals in sum
A, B, C, D, E and F and display it next to the AXYZ column.
If an employee like Bruce wayne has current status F, then he should be
highlighted in red.
If an employee like John Connor has curent Status P, then he should be left
as he is.
Preferably, the output should be on a new worksheet.
Is this possible without VBA code?
If yes, what is the best way to do it? The sheet has around 280 entries
including duplicates.
Are there any Excel formuale that would work in this situation?
I don’t have any experience in VBA code.
Kindly advice,
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
I am seriously stuck on this.
C Sum D Sum E Sum F
XYZ Baggins Frodo 1/1/2010 F 432 4525 4232 421 755 866
AXYZ Baggins Frodo 1/1/2010 P 654 532 757 797 321 853
XYZ Sully Jake 2/2/2010 F 43 32 543 45 23 543
AXYZ Sully Jake 2/2/2010 P 43 423 54 32 643 65
XYZ Wayne Bruce 1/14/2010 F 10 20 30 40 50 60
XYZ Dawson Jack 3/3/2010 F 43 32 543 45 23 543
AXYZ Dawson Jack 3/3/2010 P 654 73 352 874 232 876
XYZ Connor John 3/3/2010 P 100 432 87 985 123 439
If an employee has duplicate records in coulmn A with XYZ and AXYZ, and if
AXYZ has current status, P, then this should add the respective totals in sum
A, B, C, D, E and F and display it next to the AXYZ column.
If an employee like Bruce wayne has current status F, then he should be
highlighted in red.
If an employee like John Connor has curent Status P, then he should be left
as he is.
Preferably, the output should be on a new worksheet.
Is this possible without VBA code?
If yes, what is the best way to do it? The sheet has around 280 entries
including duplicates.
Are there any Excel formuale that would work in this situation?
I don’t have any experience in VBA code.
Kindly advice,
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
I am seriously stuck on this.