computer crash when retreiving outlook messages



Occasionally when I retreive messages through outlook 2003 the computer
crashes. a loud beep and it goes off. I uninstalled the outlook program.
There was an error with the sql server so I uninstalled it too. Reinstalled
outlook and the business manager and it happened again. I am using a Dell
Inspiron 9300 running XP Home. Help, I don't want to have to reinstall the
operating system, which Dell is trying to get me to do. How can I tell if it
is a problem with the Business Manager, and the SQL server?


I have the same problem with XP Pro on Inspiron 9300...
I figured out the crash happens when calling the windows API Beep;
To simulate it with a VB application, juste decalare the win API :
Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long,
ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long
and call the function -> A loud beep, and the computer stops.

I've updated the BIOS, checked for viruses, verified the drivers ->
everything seems to be ok, but still the problem occurs.

So far, I didn' find any solution... Anyone has any other idea ?

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