computer shutdown



I've been trying to help a friend figure out why his computer is shutting
down when he tries to run clean disk and also when he runs ihis virus
software. I've gone over my security settings with hisetc etc. Please send
email with a idea.

'69 Camaro

Welcome to the News Groups for Microsoft Access, the most popular database
in the world! Since this News Group is dedicated to dealing with the
security issues of the database application from the Microsoft Office suite,
you may receive quicker (and possibly correct!) answers by posting your
question in the Microsoft.Public.WindowsXP.setup_deployment or
Microsoft.Public.Win2000.setup_deployment News Groups, depending upon your
version of Windows.

This is a public News Group, where anyone in the world can post a question
or research the message archive to see whether the question has been asked
and answered previously. Therefore, sending reply E-mails to posters of
questions would deprive others of valuable information, not to mention
decrease the productivity of those people trying to respond to all of the
14,378 people who posted the same question in the same week. If your
question is answered, then the reply will be posted in the News Group where
you posted your question.

And don't post your real E-mail address in your message, since spammers use
bots to harvest E-mail addresses from message boards. You can expect spam
to arrive in your inbox starting in the next 24 to 48 hours. Lots of it.

If your friend has Windows XP, open the Control Panel, select Administrative
Tools, select Services, and scroll down to "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)."
Right-click on this item and select "Properties" on the pop-up menu. Select
the "Recovery" tab. For the three combo boxes, make the following changes:

First failure: Take no action
Second failure: Take no action
Subsequent failure: Restart the computer

If the antivirus software is listed as a service, then open the Properties
dialog window for that service and change all three failure options to "Take
no action."

Select the "OK" button to save the changes. Now reboot the computer.



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