Is it possible to concantenate one cell with text with another cell with a
number in it and take that result and then use it in an index/match formula
to find a result? Or will it not work? It looks like this:
C1 D1 E1
2 3 A
C3 D3 E3 F3
A 2 3
1 H H H
2 S S S
A3 D D D
Now, Concantenate D1 & E1, then use the Index Match with cell C1 to find a
result of D in cells D4 through F7. Hope I explained my question properly.
Is it possible to concantenate one cell with text with another cell with a
number in it and take that result and then use it in an index/match formula
to find a result? Or will it not work? It looks like this:
C1 D1 E1
2 3 A
C3 D3 E3 F3
A 2 3
1 H H H
2 S S S
A3 D D D
Now, Concantenate D1 & E1, then use the Index Match with cell C1 to find a
result of D in cells D4 through F7. Hope I explained my question properly.