Concantinate Query


Dustin B

I have a linked table full of data on shipments. Each shipment has a file
number container number and container size. I have a query where I group by
container size and file number then count container number to show how many
of each type of containers there are for each file. That works just fine.
The problem I have is I now need to make a end query that shows File number,
Container Type, Number of Containers per type, and all container numbers that
are grouped under that container type and file number. Example below.

File Number - 45643156
# of Containers - 3
Container Type - 40
Container Number - CBHU4564647, MOLU4513467,APLU4561348

File Number - 45643156
# of Containers - 2
Container Type - 20
COntainer Number - CGHU4564672,OLUD4564678,TGHU4564631

All I need to know how to do in the above is get the query to list each
container number like I have it. Any help would be appreacited. Thank you.

Dustin B

Thank You for your reply. I apologize for not being clear in my original
question. It looks like both of the examples you have given require an
actual table being created. I have gotten to this point hoping not to create
any permenant tables using Access in this instance as a formatting program
only. I am therefore trying to concantinate a field from one qry to another.
Any ideas there?


try this in your query
grouping:[File Number]&' '&[# of Containters]&' '&[Containter Type] etc

Douglas J. Steele

You can usually treat queries as being the same as tables in code. Afraid
that without more details of what your existing tables and queries are, I
can't offer anything more specific.

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