I am using this formula to evenly space information across a cell (label).
Essentially, I would like Cell B4 to appear on the Left and Cell B3 apears on
the Right in the cell with the formula. B4 holds names while B3 holds small
numbers or combination of numbers 3,4,5. Names, of course can be short to
very long. The formula works, but I guess because of the different physical
size of the letters(both W and , count as 1), I am not getting the desire
result. Is there some way to allow for the different sizes of letters?
"&$C$6),"")))))&(REPT(CHAR(32),(60-(LEN($B$4))-(IF(OR($E$3=TRUE,$F$3=TRUE),11,0)))))&("Tract "&$B$3))
Essentially, I would like Cell B4 to appear on the Left and Cell B3 apears on
the Right in the cell with the formula. B4 holds names while B3 holds small
numbers or combination of numbers 3,4,5. Names, of course can be short to
very long. The formula works, but I guess because of the different physical
size of the letters(both W and , count as 1), I am not getting the desire
result. Is there some way to allow for the different sizes of letters?
"&$C$6),"")))))&(REPT(CHAR(32),(60-(LEN($B$4))-(IF(OR($E$3=TRUE,$F$3=TRUE),11,0)))))&("Tract "&$B$3))