Concatenate and remove blanks




I am trying to concatenate a number of labels together separated by a
comma. However, if one of these cells is blank I end up with a number
of blanks together. For example A , B , C ,,,,,,,,G,H etc

As I want to remove these excess commas from the label I tried to use
the "Substitute" formula, as follows

=SUBSTITUTE(+F43&" , "&F44&" , "&F45&" , "&F46&" , "&F47&" , "&F48&" ,
"&F49&" , "&F50&" , "&F51&" , "&F52&" , "&F53&" , "&F54&" , "&F55&" ,
"&F56,",,","") ...... but it only removes every second comma

The real formula actually concatenates a lot mor cells than mentioned
in the above formula, so I can't use any "If" or "ISBlank" functions as
I will exceed the character limit of 256.

Does anyone have any other approach please?

Thanks in advance


JE McGimpsey

One way, using a User Defined Function:

Public Function CatNonBlanks( _
ByRef rRng As Excel.Range, _
Optional ByVal sDelim As String = "") As String
Dim rCell As Range
Dim sTemp As String
For Each rCell In rRng
If Not IsEmpty(rCell.Value) Then _
sTemp = sTemp & sDelim & rCell.Text
Next rCell
CatNonBlanks = Mid(sTemp, Len(sDelim) + 1, 32767)
End Function

If you're not familiar with UDFs, see


An alternative to try, which could neatly remove excess commas
for any blank cells within the concat range would be something like:

=SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(F43&" "&F44&" "&F45&" "&F46&" "&F47&" "&F48&" "
&F49&" "&F50&" "&F51&" "&F52&" "&F53&" "&F54&" "&F55&" "&F56)," "," , ")

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